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About Us

Mission Statement

To unify, strengthen and empower its members through the provision of continuous training and effective advocacy, pursued with integrity and openness for the enhancement of the economic and social benefit of the Members

Vision Statement

To be the one-stop organization of Choice for the creation and fulfillment of ethical business practices along with quality representation for the satisfaction of  stakeholders’ needs

What is SLISBA

The St. Lucia Industrial and Small Business Association (SLISBA) is the national umbrella body, a not-for-profit entity, which represents the interests of  small, medium and micro-sized businesses in St. Lucia.  Foremost and within its plan of action is the provision of relevant continuous training, advocacy, marketing and advisory services to its membership.


The organization is working to build capacity within the business sector, promote entrepreneurship, (particularly among rural producers), promote exports and generally increase the competitiveness within the SMME sector 


SMMEs comprise over 80% of the St Lucia private sector, providing, employment, social stability and contributing significantly to the gross domestic and national products.
SLISBA and SMMEs therefore, play a central role in the development of the social and economic fabric of St. Lucia. 

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