Frequently Asked Questions
How often are SLISBA meetings held?
General meetings are held every quarter and committee meetings are held during the quarter to provide oversight and guidance, Biennial meetings are held every two years, during which time election of officers are also held.
How do I apply for membership?
You can download the application form here, fill it out and drop it off at the office with the non-refundable $25.00 application fee. You could also fill out the form online and pay the $25.00 after you've done so.
How do I know when and if my application is accepted?
The membership committee will review your application, therefore, please allow a period of three weeks to three months for a response which will be sent via email.
What is the membership dues?
It is $500.00 per year for ordinary membership. There are also special rates for groups, etc.
Do I have to pay for the training and capacity building activities?
If you are a member of SLISBA, you will not be required to pay for training activities organized by the Association. Non members are usually required to pay.
How do I participate in Trade Missions organized by SLISBA?
A call for participation is usually sent out to all financial members to apply. Confirmation of participation is communicated to selected companies/individuals well in advance so that the necessary arrangements can be facilitated?
Do I have to pay to participate in a Trade Mission?
Usually the Association raises funds for such activities so there is often little or no costs for participation.