SMME Awards
Award Categories
is designed to recognize companies and individuals who exemplify the St. Lucian entrepreneurial spirit – individuals who, by their creativity and determination, have established and nurtured successful business ventures. Entrepreneurs are a powerful economic force, especially in a down market.
Statement of Intent of the Awards
Increasingly, the priority of the private sector is to make maximum use of St. Lucia's talent and resources for the good of the country. The establishment of this award structure will honor companies and individuals who have transferred a wide array of resources that have created jobs, generated wealth and contributed to the economic and social well-being of St. Lucians at home, while cultivating new markets both locally and abroad.
The Awards ceremony is the premier event representing 80% of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) which form the private sector of St. Lucia. SLISBA, as the voice of that sector, is dedicated to promoting the significant achievements of our sector, and rewarding the excellence and professionalism continually demonstrated by our members and the sector generally.
Sponsorship Benefits
The Excellence in Entrepreneurship Awards represent a unique opportunity to demonstrate a sponsor’s strengths and support for the pursuit of excellence and innovation throughout the small, medium and micro enterprise sector in St. Lucia. Sponsoring generally or sponsoring a prize for one of the award categories will enable you or your organization to align itself with the values and philosophies of the Excellence Awards, while showcasing your corporate identity, services and products. Sponsorship will further raise your organization’s profile and credentials with prospective clients, customers and industry peers. By demonstrating your commitment to recognizing and supporting excellence in our local business industry, award sponsorship will provide your company with the ideal means to reach its target clientele
Your sponsorship package is designed to compliment your existing marketing initiatives, allowing you to generate positive publicity and gain direct access to the six hundred and four SLISBA members as well as the Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Sector (SMME) that we represent.
Pre-event publicity
Editorial: SLISBA will launch the awards campaign at a Media Blitz and Red Carpet Luncheon. A regular program of announcements and feature stories will follow in the lead up to the event. Award sponsors will receive logo and acknowledgement recognition within all scheduled promotions
Nomination Forms: Hard copies and PDF versions of the nomination forms will be available to sponsors to encourage their clients and supporting companies to enter
Online: SLISBA will provide updates on its Facebook page to facilitate updates on the awards and to acknowledge all sponsors. Emails will also be despatched to reach out to the SMME Sector and to provide regular updates regarding the awards, such as category descriptions, award nomination criteria, nominees and online nomination facilities. It will include a profile of Sponsors.
Advertising: Sponsors logos will also appear on all targeted email and promotional campaigns. Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors will also be permitted to include company banners at pre-agreed locations during the awards ceremony.
The Awards Night
Each sponsor will be entitled to the following on the evening:
Seating for company staff based on the level of
VIP coverage at the Media Blitz to launch the event
Your company logo and 100 word company profile will be featured in the official Awards 'Souvenir Program & Menu' publication, distributed to all guests on the
Branding Signage: Your company name and logo will be featured on substantial signage throughout the event at pre-arranged locations and based on level of
Logo exposure on video screens at regular intervals before and during the
Your company name will be announced as the award sponsor by the Master of Ceremonies
A nominated senior executive will be invited onto the stage to announce and greet the winner of one of the Award
Your company name, as official sponsor, will be inscribed on the sponsored award
Post Event Publicity
A dedicated SLISBA Award profile will be published electronically and distributed to the entire circulation of SLISBA members, attendees and other companies immediately after the event. Sponsors will be featured alongside a shortlist of the finalists and winners
In Paper: A pictorial review of the evening will appear in The Voice Newspaper shortly after the awards
Television News Coverage for the ceremony on all TV stations and replay of Awards event will be aired on four different occasions on
Online: All sponsor representatives and winners will be photographed and uploaded onto a photo gallery on the SLISBA website.
CD ROM: Relevant photography of the awards evening will be provided for your own promotional purposes.
Focus on Local Designers
Potential sponsors are asked to note that SLISBA will be using the awards evening as a great opportunity to promote local fashion. In this regard, we will be encouraging participants and sponsors to be paired with some of our local top clothing designers to prepare outstanding outfits for the event. All persons who will be wearing locally designed outfits will have an opportunity to walk the Red Carpet and to interviewed by two prominent media personalities. This will be done at a pre-arranged time, just before the event and event sponsors will have an opportunity to be interviewed with the logo of their company displayed in the background. This is an activity which is being very carefully planned and choreographed by our Awards Committee and includes a prize for the best locally designed outfit (both male and female). Sponsors will have an optional opportunity to sponsor the locally produced designer outfits for their staff.
Micro Business
Employment: maximum of five (5) persons
Asset base: $75,000.00
Sales (annual turnover): not more than $100,000.000
Small Business:
Employment: maximum fifty (50) persons
Asset base: $500.000.00
Sales: not more than $1,000,000.000
Medium Business
Employment: maximum of two hundred (200) persons
Asset base: $1000.000.00
Sales: more than $ 1,500,00